Viewing posts for the category eurasian history
Away day for the "State and society network" at LIAS
Posted by: mchu in member presentations chinese history comparative history european history eurasian history 6 years, 10 months ago
Team members Hilde De Weerdt, Julius Morche and Chu Ming-kin participated in the Away Day of the “state and society network” of the Leiden University Institute for Areas Studies (LIAS) on November 21-22, 2014, to which the group had contributed the panel “Correspondence and networks”. Panellists were invited to present a specific source or source type from their current research and explain their treatment in current scholarship. By discussing and comparing sources and source types from different world historical contexts, the panel had two principal aims: first, to illuminate current challenges in the study of specific historical contexts relating to their respective source base; and, second, to explore the potential of comparative approaches on the basis of identifying commonalities between different types of sources and their historical origin. The panel featured five presentations covering the communication of literati elites in Jin-Yuan China; the communication of mercantile elites in late medieval and Renaissance Venice; the communication between the Sultan and the ruling elite in the seventeenth-century Ottoman Empire; Republican-era exchanges about labour recruitment between various government agencies and the Japanese management of the Fushun Coalmine (1910-1920s); and the examination essay in eighteenth-century China with specific respect to related social networks and aspects of political resistance.
International Medieval Congress 2014
Posted by: mchu in conference member presentations chinese history comparative history european history eurasian history 7 years, 2 months ago
Team members Hilde De Weerdt, Julius Morche and Chu Ming-kin participated in the “International Medieval Congress” at Leeds University, July 7-10, 2014. Ming-kin organized the panel “Communication in the Mongol Empire” which addressed questions relating to indigenous elites and their Mongol overlords across Eurasia in a comparative perspective. In his paper “Indigenous Elite Networks and Mongol Governance in 13th-century North China”, Ming-kin reconstructed the epistolary network of Han literati in the Jin-Yuan transition and showed how part of the literati network was transformed into an indigenous network of political elites after 1260, which in turn contributed to Mongol governance and administration in north China. Speaking on the same panel, Florence Hodous (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) showed how Persian elites and qadis in the Ilkhanate negotiated their simultaneous allegiance to Islamic law and Mongol rule.
Connecting the Silk Road: Trade, People & Social Networks (400-1300 AD)
Posted by: mchu in conference member presentations chinese history comparative history eurasian history networks 7 years, 4 months ago
Team members Hilde De Weerdt and Julius Morche served as session chairs at the conference “Connecting the Silk Road: Trade, People & Social Networks (400-1300 AD)”, which was held at Leiden University and Hermitage Amsterdam on May 17 and 18. The presented papers covered a wide range of periods, regions, objects and disciplinary specializations and highlighted the complexity and dynamics of interactions of social groups, objects and architectural structures through and between the networks created along the Silk Road. Linking China and Europe through different land routes across Eurasia, the Silk Road offers an opportunity to historians with a regional focus to frame their research questions in a global perspective.
Report of First Pembroke Workshop
Posted by: julius in conference chinese history comparative history european history eurasian history networks 7 years, 7 months ago
A report of the group's first workshop "New Perspectives on Comparative Medieval History: China and Europe, 800-1600" (Pembroke College, Oxford, 30/09-01/10/2013) has been published on H-Soz-U-Kult.
Recent blog posts
International Medieval Congress 2015 by mchu, July 30, 2015, 3:11 p.m.
Team members Hilde De Weerdt, Chu Mingkin and Julius Morche contributed to the panel “Historical Knowledge Networks in Global Perspective” more
MARKUS update and new tools by hweerdt, March 12, 2015, 6:38 a.m.
The MARKUS tagging and reading platform has gone through a major update. New features are more
Away day for the "State and society network" at LIAS by mchu, Dec. 5, 2014, 12:40 p.m.
Team members Hilde De Weerdt, Julius Morche and Chu Ming-kin participated in the Away Day of the “state and society more
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@Hilde De Weerdt
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@Hilde De Weerdt
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