CBDB Name/Title Lookup

CBDB Name/Title Lookup is a free online service for searching personal names in CBDB (China Biographical Database) when only part of the name AND an official title or part thereof are known. The system will search the biographical data of all 328,000 entries in CBDB. It features a faceted interface to help narrow down candidates quickly and detailed biographical data can also be checked directly.

Author(s): Hou Ieong Ho

Link: https://dh.chinese-empires.eu/markus/beta/cbdbLookup.html

Introduction video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UY6tYFnt8pg

Ho, H. I. (2015). CBDB Name/Title Lookup. [Web application]. Chinese Empires in Comparative Perspective, Leiden University. Retrieved from http://dh.chinese-empires.eu/markus/beta/cbdbLookup.html

China Biographical Database Project (CBDB), Harvard University. Retrieved from https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/cbdb

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